Metric Conversion Tables for Weaving Yarns
Worsted Wool conversions
Cotton Yarn conversions
Linen Yarn conversions
Lea, Nel, Tex, Nm
Goddess of Silk -Hsi Ling Shi
“Chinese legend gives the title Goddess of Silk to Lady Hsi-Ling-Shih, wife of the mythical Yellow Emperor, who was said to have ruled China in about 3000 BC.… Read more...
Whitchurch Silk Weaving Mill
I had a delightful visit to the Whitchurch Silk Mill in Whitchurch, UK. It is about 1 1/2 hour drive southwest from London in Hampshire.… Read more...
Dimity Cord Weave
Dimity Cord is an interesting weave structure that produces lines of cord and crepe, depending on the width of the pattern blocks.… Read more...
Mawata Silk
Using the mawata silk that I spun and dyed (described in a previous article), I thought that it would be perfect for making silk wallets.… Read more...
Mawata Silk Dye Project
One type of silk that is available is a “mawata” or silk cap. Mawata caps are formed by stretching the silk cocoons over molds.… Read more...