The Killing is a Danish TV series that has recently been broadcast in the UK. The show is about a Danish police detective who is trying to solve a murder. In the show she wears a couple of beautiful handknit sweaters: A white wool sweater with a natural brown star pattern, and a brown version with a white diamond pattern. The sweaters are knit in a traditional Faroes Island technique.
Sarah Lund White Sweater
The knitting motif design for Sarah Lund’s White Jumper.
Sirri Faroese Yarn
Where to buy wool for knitting this sweater. I think this sweater would also be stunning knit with natural handspun yarns.
The Killing will be available for purchase in a DVD box set via on April 4, 2011. The show is in Danish, with English subtitles. Series 2 and 3 have also been produced and will be airing on BBC at a later date. A US version of this series is being developed.
The Killing – Series 1
The Killing is available for purchase in a DVD box set via The show is in Danish, with English subtitles. Series 2 and 3 have also been produced and will be airing on BBC at a later date.
The Killing – Series 2
A US version of this series has been produced recently and is being aired on TV AMC – The Killing
Here is my version of the diamond knitting motif used in this handknit sweater.
Sarah Lund Red Sweater
The new season of The Killing is starting this week.
Now Sarah wears a new red sweater. Here is a link to the pattern for the new red Sarah Lund Sweater.
And a copy of the snowflake pattern.
This website is in Danish. If you use the Chrome browser, it has a feature that will translate the page to English for you.
How Long Does it Take?
How long does it take to knit a jumper?
Knitting Books
Vogue® Knitting The Ultimate Knitting Book: Completely Revised & Updated
Knitting For Beginners: The A-Z Guide to Have You Knitting in 3 Days (Includes 15 Knitting Patterns)
Knitter’s Handy Book of Top-Down Sweaters: Basic Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges
Boyfriend Sweaters: 19 Designs for Him That You’ll Want to Wear
Patterns for Guernseys, Jerseys, and Arans: Fishermen’s Sweaters from the British Isles
Knitting Without Tears: Basic Techniques and Easy-to-Follow Directions for Garments to Fit All Sizes
EBAY – Knitting Yarns
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Categories: KNITTING, Knitting Patterns