Hemp, is making a comeback in Canada.
Hemp and Leno Lace
A project using hemp yarns, woven in leno and huck lace.
Hemp Rep Weave
A free weaving pattern for making rep weave placemats with hemp and cotton chenille.
Hemp Tea Towels
Hemp tea towels woven with natural and bleached hemp.
Twill and Tabby Towels
A weaving project for tea towels using cotton warp and hemp weft.
Visit to a Hemp Farm
I was fortunate to be able to visit one of the first hemp crops grown in Canada.
Hemp Tapestry Pillows
Bioregional Development Group – Hemp Textiles
Experimental growing of hemp for use as a textile fibre in the UK.
Canadian Hemp Corp
CHC is part of a consortium of hemp growers and manufacturers who are committed to promoting the education and use of this important textile resource.
Golden Troll
Hemp yarns and twine for weaving, macrame, jewellery making, knitting or crochet.
Hemp Active
Hemp Active is an Australian wholesale supplier of hemp yarns, fibres and fabrics.
Hemp in Cumbria
A history of flax and hemp in Cumbria.
Hempline has 60/40 hemp/polyester and 40/40/20 hemp/wool/polyester blends or yarn suitable for upholstery weaving.
Hemp Textiles Int.
Hemp Textiles Int. is a wholesale supplier of hemp spinning fibres and yarns. They have recently developed a 50% hemp/50% wool blend of yarn.
Lanaknits has some wonderful knitting kits using hemp yarns.
Hemp and cotton blend handwovens.
Hemp Traders
Hemp Traders provides the public with information pertaining to hemp textiles, including properties of hemp and wash and care instructions.
Louet has a selection of bast fibres for handspinning, water or dew-retted flax, ramie and Chinese hemp.
The Mannings
The Mannings has hemp in 2 ply: fine at 1200 ypp and medium at 2400 ypp.
Mendel’s Hemp
Mendel’s believes in the greatness of hemp and have a selection of hemp products including dyed yarns and twine.
Textiles from Hemp Fibers
The growing of hemp was legalized in Germany in 1996. This article explains the state of hemp textiles at the current time stating that “the weaving of hemp textiles still is more an art than a science.”
Textura Trading
Textura Trading has a light honey-coloured hemp imported from Europe.
Hand Spinning Hemp
Handspinning Books
The Fleece and Fiber Sourcebook: More Than 200 Fibers, from Animal to Spun Yarn
The Whole Craft of Spinning: From the Raw Material to the Finished Yarn
The Practical Spinner’s Guide – Cotton, Flax, Hemp (Practical Spinner’s Guides)
Spin Flax & Cotton: Traditional Techniques with Norman Kennedy
Weaving Books: Handwoven Lace
Handwoven Laces
A Joy Forever: Latvian Weaving
Huck Lace
Lace and Lacey Weaves
EBAY – Hemp Linen Yarns
Or Please visit my Channel on Rumble for more how-to videos.
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Categories: HAND SPINNING, Hemp, Vegan Fibers, Videos, Yarns
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