Hemp, is making a comeback in Canada.
Hemp and Leno Lace
A project using hemp yarns, woven in leno and huck lace.… Read more...
Weaving with Hemp
From rope to fine tablecloths, hemp has been used by industry and for textiles for many centuries. The earliest uses of hemp date back to the Chinese, in the 28th Century B.C.… Read more...
Flax and Linen
Borgs Weaving Yarn
Borgs Vavgarner in Sweden has a varied selection of weaving yarns, including tow and line linen yarns from 4/1 to 60/2 weights.… Read more...
Flax: Scutching Hackling
Flax Scutching, Hackling When the retted flax has dried, breaking separates the inner core. A flax brake looks similar to a saw horse and consists of heavy hinged wooden blades that fit into wooden grooves in the lower part.… Read more...
Flax Fibre
Of all natural fibres available, I think flax qualifies as truly a miracle fibre. It is environmentally friendly and is a renewable resource.… Read more...