Do you ever want to warp your loom and are waiting to find another weaver or friend, or family member who is willing and able to help you wind the warp? During one of our recent Chat sessions, Sandra explained her method of warping. She uses water jugs to weight her warp, while winding.
The jugs should have a handle.(plastic milk jugs work well) This weighting method works for either Back-to-Front (B2F) or Front-to-Back (F2B). You will have even tension and no longer have to rely on a friendly family member to assist.
Photos: (c) SandraC
Divide warp into no larger than 6″ sections.
Fill enough jugs with water, so all are equal weight, to go across whole warp. It is important that all are the same weight.
Straighten and smooth each section of warp so all threads are as close to equally tensioned.
Make a slipknot in each section.
On each water jug, make a loop and use a knot to hook it onto the handle.
Hook the loop on the water jug around the slipknot in the warp (trust me it will hold, I didn’t think so either until I saw it).
Do this for all sections of warp.
Then start winding warp onto beam, until jugs reach the breast beam.
Then untie, and do it all over again
Weaving Looms
Counterbalance Looms
Countermarche Looms
How to Improve your Woven Edges
How to Warp a Loom
Rigid Heddle Weaving Books
The Weaver’s Idea Book: Creative Cloth on a Rigid Heddle Loom
Handwoven Home: Weaving Techniques, Tips, and Projects for the Rigid-Heddle Loom
Color & Texture for the Rigid Heddle Loom: A Study in Yarn Selection for Weavers
Weaving Made Easy Revised and Updated: 17 Projects Using a Rigid-Heddle Loom
WeaveKnitWear: Simply Fabulous Clothing and Accessories for Rigid Heddle (and Other) Weavers
Hand Weaving Books
Weaving on a Little Loom (Everything you need to know to get started with weaving, includes 5 simple projects
The Key to Weaving: A Textbook of Hand Weaving for the Beginning Weaver
The Weaver’s Companion (The Companion Series)
Learning to Weave
The Big Book of Weaving: Handweaving in the Swedish Tradition: Techniques, Patterns, Designs and Materials
The Handweaver’s Pattern Directory
EBAY Weaving Yarn
Weaving Yarn – US
Weaving Yarn – UK
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Categories: HAND WEAVING, How To