To warp my new Glimakra band loom, I use a method that is similar to the way that I warp my large floor looms, front-to-back.… Read more...
Warp a Rigid Heddle
Jo posted these pictures and instructions on how to warp a Rigid Heddle loom, to our Forum.… Read more...
How to Warp a Saami Rigid Heddle
To put a warp onto a Beaivi Sami weaving loom is a fairly simple process. I use my warping board that is attached to the back of my loom to measure the warp – similar to preparing a warp for any other loom.… Read more...
Counter Balance Loom Setup
Yes, you can get a good shed on a counterbalance loom. It is just a matter of balance. The main thing to remember, is if the loom tie-ups are not centered, then weight of the shafts are not balanced, and you will not be able to get an even shed.… Read more...
Countermarche Loom Tie-up
How to set up a Countermarche Loom.
These photos and diagrams were originally printed in:
Handbok Iveving
J.W. Carpelens Forlag
CentralTrykkeriet, Oslo
I have added the Red lettering to the diagrams, to help in identifying the tie-ups.… Read more...
Water Jug Warping
Do you ever want to warp your loom and are waiting to find another weaver or friend, or family member who is willing and able to help you wind the warp?… Read more...