Cardboard Box Loom
Use a knitting needle or a small stick to pick up the warp threads. In Tabby or Plain weave, every other warp thread is picked up, so the weft travels over and under each thread.… Read more...
Cardboard Box Loom
Use a knitting needle or a small stick to pick up the warp threads. In Tabby or Plain weave, every other warp thread is picked up, so the weft travels over and under each thread.… Read more...
Diagram for how to set up a counterbalance loom.… Read more...
On larger looms, the weft thread is usually wound onto a bobbin or shuttle, however, on this small cardboard box loom, a shuttle would be too big use.… Read more...
Do you want to learn how to spin or weave, and don’t know where to find lessons? Check with a guild near you and see if they offer classes.… Read more...
A free weaving draft for Whig Rose.
10 Steps to Warping – Step 9 – Beaming the Warp
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