The vertical beam loom was developed in Syria or the region of the Caucasian Mountains around 2400 BC. This type of loom is still used today for making rugs and tapestries.… Read more...
Handweaving Information
Information about handweaving and looms of all sorts and sizes.
Water Jug Warping
Do you ever want to warp your loom and are waiting to find another weaver or friend, or family member who is willing and able to help you wind the warp?… Read more...
Counterbalance Loom
Diagram for how to set up a counterbalance loom.… Read more...
Beginner Weaving – Threading Heddles
10 Steps to Warping – Step 8 – Thread Heddles
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Weaving Looms
Looms of one type or another have been used for centuries to make cloth. They come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and can be used to make simple edgings or braids or can be computerized to create complex designs.… Read more...