Warp-face Rep weave (ripsmatta, ripsi) is a weave structure that uses 2 weights of weft yarn, a thick and a thin yarn, woven in tabby, to create a horizontal ribbed design.… Read more...
Visit to a Hemp Farm
Growing Hemp in the Kootenays
Hemp used to be a crop that was grown in the Kootenay region of British Columbia.… Read more...
Doukhobor weaving
>Living in the Kootenays in British Columbia, I am fortunate to have experienced some of the rich heritage that the Doukhobor community provides.… Read more...
Weaving with Hemp
From rope to fine tablecloths, hemp has been used by industry and for textiles for many centuries. The earliest uses of hemp date back to the Chinese, in the 28th Century B.C.… Read more...