How to Dye Yarn with a Solar Oven
Did you know that the ray’s of the sun can be used to dye yarn? A solar oven can be constructed easily from simple materials.
Find 2 sturdy cardboard boxes that will fit inside each other.
The larger box should have a well-fitting lid.
Line the outside of the larger box with aluminum foil – shiny side out.
Line both the outside and inside of the smaller box with aluminum foil.
Place the smaller box inside the larger box.
Fill the gap between the 2 boxes with straw or cut up newspaper.
Cut a flap into the outer box lid – to the size of the smaller box.
Line the inside of the flap with aluminum foil – this will reflect the sun’s rays into the box.
Or use a mirror.
Find a piece of glass to fit over the box to use as a lid.
Paint the bottom of the inside of the box black.
Or find a piece of sheet metal to place into the bottom of the inner box and paint this black to absorb the heat.
Dye pots for a solar oven must also be black or a dark colour in order to absorb the heat.
The dye pot should also have a lid.
Place an oven thermometer into your solar oven so that you can see if it is working.
The solar oven will need to be moved during the day to follow the sun’s rays.
More about Solar Cooking
Solar Cooking
More information about cooking with solar power.
Solar Cookers
Some great images of different types of solar cookers.
Natural Plant Dyes
Anti-microbial Effects of Natural Dyes
Sandalwood Natural Dye Recipe
Madder Root Dye
Shop for Natural Dyes at
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