Middle Tennessee Fiber Guild
Hendersonville Arts Council
Hendersonville, TN
Hendersonville, TN
10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.2nd Saturday each month
except JanuaryGuild Contact:
Cathy LampmanEmail:lamppost at tn.freei.net
This guild is focused on spinning, but we have members that weave, dye, knit, felt and other crafts.
We have workshops on a wide range of topics including basic – advanced skill levels in spinning, felting, weaving and more.
Textile Instructors and Teachers
Beginner Weaving Books
The Weaver’s Book: Fundamentals of Handweaving
UK: Fundamentals of Handweaving
The Weaver’s Studio: Doubleweave
How to weave a tube, and a tube within a tube.
UK: Doubleweave
Hands on Rigid Heddle Weaving
Wonderful projects and plain-weave variations, this user-friendly guide covers choosing, setting up, and weaving on a rigid heddle loom.
UK: Hands on Rigid Heddle
A Handweaver’s Pattern Book
A collection of 377 patterns for four-harness weaving, organized in groups of similar designs. This is one of the first weaving books I bought and it is still one of my favourites.
UK: Handweavers Pattern Book
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Or Please visit my Channel on Rumble for more how-to videos.
LIVE STREAMS - Paivatar Studio
Categories: Guilds