Corking, also called a knitting knobby or spool knitting is used to make tubes of knitted cord that can be sewn together for mats, coasters and crafts.
Difficulty Level:
Here’s How:
- Push the yarn through the centre hole from the top to the bottom, leaving a 4 – 6″ tail.
- Hold the corker (spool knitter) in your left hand and wrap the yarn around the first peg of the corker, from left to right (counterclockwise).
- Turn the corker 1/4 turn (clockwise) and wrap the yarn around the next peg.
- Repeat with the 3rd and 4th pegs.
- Give the yarn a slight tug on the tail, to tighten the loops into place.
- Wrap the yarn around the first peg again and hold it in place with your left hand.
- With your right hand, using the needle provided in the corker kit, or a croche hook, lift the first loop on the peg, over the second loop and drop it off the peg.
- This forms a knitted stitch.
- Turn the corker 1/4 turn clockwise and wrap the yarn around the second peg.
- Lift the bottom loop on the second peg, over the top yarn, forming the next knitted stitch.
- Give a slight tug on the tail of the yarn, and repeat the above steps working your way around the pegs until you have knitted the length of cord required.
- To cast off, break the yarn and pull it through each stitch on the pegs.
- Remove the loops from the pegs and pull the yarn tight to secure.
How To
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Spool Knitting
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Categories: Fun Projects, How To, KNITTING