Dahlia blossoms will make yellow, orange and green dye colours. They can be picked fresh, dried or after the first frost.
Difficulty Level: Average
Time Required: 1 day
Here’s How
- Pick the blossoms and soak in water overnight.
- Fill the dyepot with water, add the dahlias and simmer for about an hour.
For stronger colour simmer for another hour. - Add clean premordanted wool to the dyepot and simmer for an hour or until sufficient colour is reached.
- Allow the dyepot to cool before removing the dyed wool.
- Remove the wool from the dyepot, rinse and let dry.
You can strain the blossoms from the dyepot before adding the wool, or put the blossoms into a nylon stocking before placing them in the dyepot.
Try alum, tin, iron or baking soda mordants to obtain different colours.
Natural Dyes Index
How To Make an Alum Mordant
How To Make a Tin Mordant
Natural Dyes and Mordant Recipes
Shop for Natural Dyes at Paivatar.com
Natural Dye Books
Wild Color, Revised and Updated Edition: The Complete Guide to Making and Using Natural Dyes
Botanical Colour at your Fingertips
The Modern Natural Dyer: A Comprehensive Guide to Dyeing Silk, Wool, Linen and Cotton at Home
A Weaver’s Garden: Growing Plants for Natural Dyes and Fibers
The Rainbow Beneath My Feet: A Mushroom Dyer’s Field Guide
Harvesting Color: How to Find Plants and Make Natural Dyes
A Heritage of Colour: Natural Dyes Past and Present by Jenny Dean (2014-06-10)
Wild Color, Revised and Updated Edition: The Complete Guide to Making and Using Natural Dyes
The Art and Craft of Natural Dyeing: Traditional Recipes for Modern Use
Or Please visit my Channel on Rumble for more how-to videos.
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