Fiber Characteristics
FabricLink lists characteristics and end uses of natural and synthetic fibres such as: acetates, cotton, lyocell, linen, mohair and microfibres.
Electron Microsopic Images
Images of wool, linen, cotton, silk and rayon as seen through an electron microscope.
Fiber Identification using Burning Behavior
A table of how fibre behaves in an open flame.
Flammability of Textile Fibers
Which fibres are quick to ignite, self-extinguish or melt? Good to know, when you are planning your project.
Identification of the Fiber
Burn tests, chemical tests, and fibre precautions, from Core Company — a company specializing in carpet care.
Manufacturing Process for Spun Yarns
The Texguide site shows the conversion process of changing fibre in yarn.
A Prickly Question
Mike Safley discusses the “prickle factor” in determining whether a garment will be itchy.
The Spinster, the Weaver, the Whole Wooly World
This site describes fibre preparation and spinning by Mormon pioneers.
Suggestions for National Spinning and Weaving Week
The HGA, offers suggestions to make spinning more visible in your community.
Yarn Sizes
Esther Bozak has compiled a useful table of common yarn sizes.
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Categories: Fibers and Yarns, HAND SPINNING