Sock Knitting

Our Guild in CT (Nutmeg Guild) recently held a fiber challenge. We were given bags of fiber which were varied in content and color. In fact, I didn’t think they went together AT ALL– and that was the challenge–to make something from the bag of fiber. There were wools, silk, llama, synthetics and who-knows-what-else!! The colors varied from green, burgundy, tan, blue and a stark white. I blended the white with everything else to mute the colors and make heathers of all of them. I thought they would “work” better together that way. I then chose a slip-stitch sock pattern and here is my finished project. This was a wonderful way to help us to be creative with our colors and our thinking. Hope you enjoy the picture.

Jessie in CT

knitted socks

Sock Knitting
Sock Knitting Patterns
Christmas Stocking
Kindle Sock
Spiral Socks

Sock Knitting Pattern

Sock Knitting Master Class: Innovative Techniques + Patterns from Top Designers
Getting Started Knitting Socks (Getting Started series)
Knit Socks!
The Knitting Circle

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