CA – Counting Sheep Inn
Near Mission, British Columbia, The Counting Sheep Inn is a working sheep farm where knitting and spinning classes can be arranged.
MO – Inn at Pioneer Mountain Farm
Pioneer Mountain Farm near Dillon, MO has a bit of everything, from flyfishing to cashmere spinning, weaving and dyeing.
MT – Fiber Haven
In the foothills of the Beartooth Mountains of Montana, sheep producers Jody and Bob Butler offer wool the spinners and weavers. They also have instructional workshops and a B & B.
NZ – Pear Drop Inn Farmstay B & B
Outside of Christchurch, NZ, Pear Drop Inn Farmstay offers theme holidays for groups.
OH – Magical Farm Alpacas
At Magical Farms in Litchfield OH, you can stroke the exquisite coats of huacaya and suri alpacas.
PA – Hillside Farm B & B
Hillside Farm in Mount Joy, PA, you can indulge in old fashioned favorites from time to time like spinning yarns, swapping tales, shooting the breeze, or that all-time great… watching the grass grow.
PA – Victorian Loft B & B
In Clearfield, PA the Victorian Loft B&B boasts the Sewing Room as it was featured in “Threads” Magazine. Those interested in clothing and textile will find this “Dream Room” a rare treat. Request a demo and discover how wool, exotic animal fibers, silk, and linen are spun into yarn for weaving or knitting of garments and household items.
TX – Blumenthal Farms B & B
Located in Fredericksburg, TX, Blumenthal Farms is a converted saloon and the general store is a weaving and spinning establishment. You can also visit a cotton gin, a rock storm cellar and a little old gingerbread farmhouse.
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