A vintage pattern from Stitchcraft December 1948 to knit and crochet these gaily striped ankle warmer slippers.
Thick cord for soles.
4 ozs. main shade Patons Fingering 3-ply, Patonised;
odd balls of wool in different shades for stripes and ankle cords.
A set of four No. 8 ” Beehive” needlles pointed both ends.
A No. 10 crochet hook.
A pair of heel grips.
Original slippers fit a size 5 foot.
5 stitches to an inch over stocking stitch
3 trebles to an inch over sole.
With crochet hook and cord make 24 chain. Turn.
Miss 1 chain.
(1 double crochet into 1 chain) 23 times.
3 d.c into last chain, thus working round the corner,
then down other side of foundation chain,
(work 1 d.c. into 1 ch) 23 times
Continue crocheting round in the same direction as follows:-
3 d.c. into missed chain of previous row for heel,
now inserting book into bat k loop of previous row throughout.
work 10 d.c.into 10 d.c.,
13 tr. into 13 d.c.
4 tr. into 1 d.c ,
3 tr. into 1 d.c.
4 tr into I d.c..
13 tr. into 13d.c.
10 d.c. into 10 d.c.
3 d.c. into 1 d.c .
2 d.c. into I d c
3 d.c into 1 d.c..
25 d.c. into next 25 sts
(2 d.c into next Stitch, I d.c. into next stitch), 3 times,
2 d.c. into next stitch,
25 d.c. into next 25 sts.
(2 d.c. into next .stitch, 1 d.c. into next stitch) 4 times.
Break cord and fasten oft with a slip-stitch.
Make five more pieces the same to create the thick soles.
Half Sole for Wedge
Make 10 chain, turn.
Miss I ch., 8 d.c. into 8 ch
4 d.c.. into 1 ch.,
8 d C into 8 ch., turn,
8 d.c. into 8 d. c.,
(2 d.c. into 1 d.c) 4 times,
8 d.c. into 8 d.c., turn:
9 d.c. into 9 d.c.,
(2 d.c. into 1 d.c, 1 d.c. into 1 d.c.) 3 times
, 9 d.c. into 9 d.c. Break cord and finish off with a slip-stitch.
Work another three pieces the same.
Sewing Up the Soles:
Sew three whole and 2 half soles together for each sole. placing the halfs between 1st and 2nd, then 2nd and 3rd soles, thus forming a wedge heel.
Use wool treble throughout.
With a contrast shade cast on 60 sts, 20 on each of 3 needles.
Purl 4 rounds.
Change to main shade and knit 5 rounds.
* Change to another contrast and K 1 round then P 4 rounds.
Change to main shade and K 5 rounds,
repeat from * 4 times more.
Next Round:
* k 1, k 2 tog
repeat from * all round making 40 sts
Shape tor heel:
Take 9 sts from last needle on to 4th needle. and k 9 from 1st needle on to it
Divide instep stitches equally on 2 needles, 11 stitches on each
Work 15 rows of stocking- stitch on heel stitches, starting with a purl row.
Turn heel:
– k 12. slip I. k. 1, pass slipped-stitch over, turn
2nd row:
p. 7, p 2 tog.. turn
3rd row: k 7 sl. 1, k I. p.s s o turn
4th row:
p 7 p 2 tog. turn
Continue thus until all stitches are worked.
Knit back, pick up and K 16 sts along side of heel onto same needle.
Knit 22 sts from instep needle
pick up and k 16 along other side of heel and k 4 from 1st needle make 62 sts
1st Round:
2nd Round:
Knit to last 3 sts of 1st needle, k2 tog, k1
knit across 2nd needle
on 3rd needle, k1, sl 1, psso, knit to end
Repeat these 2 rounds until 11 sts are on 1st and 3rd needles. Do not break wool.
Now slip last 2 sts from 1st needle and first 2 sts from 3rd needle on to 2nd needle making 26 instep sts.
** Working on instep sts only in stocking st
join in a contrast shade
Next row: K 26
Next row: P 26
Repeat these 2 rows once more.
Now make a tuck by knitting a stitch from needle together with a stitch picked up from lastmain shade row at back of work all along. Break wool. Work 3 rounds in main shade over all stitches.
Repeat from ** using different contrast shades until 7 coloured tucks are done. Knit 7 rounds in main shade, then shape toe thus:
Divide all stitches evenly on 2 needles, 22 on each, by slipping 2 sts from each end of instep needle onto sole.
Starting on upper side
*k1, sl 1, k1, psso, knit to last 3 sts, k2 tog, k1
Repeat from * across sole.
Continue thus, decreasing in every round until 10 are left on each needle.
Cast off or graft together.
To Make Up
With strong thread, stitch sock firmly onto sole, catching upper base and sole and leaving a small welt all round.
Sew a heel grip in position at each heel.
For cords, take 6 strands of wool 60 inches long and twist together, then fold in half, allowing the 2 halves to twist round each other. Fasten each end securely.
Thread through the knitting at ankles, then finish each end with a small tassel, made of as many different colours as you like.
Knitting Patterns
Shetland Square Charts
Knitted Skirt
Seed Stitch Hat
Raglan Sleeve Jumper
Knitted Slipper Pattern Books
Knitting Scandinavian Slippers and Socks
25 Cozy Crocheted Slippers: Fun & Fashionable Footwear for the Whole Family
Fun and Fantastical Slippers to Knit
Knitting Yarn on EBay
Or Please visit my Channel on Rumble for more how-to videos.
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Categories: CROCHET, Crochet Patterns, KNITTING, Knitting Patterns