I wanted to design a hammock using hemp yarns, that I could hang out on my deck, and enjoy a restful summer afternoon. I chose hemp because of its strength and also its mildew resistance. I wanted the hammock to be quite light and airy looking, but still able to weather the outdoors.
I had some 3 ply hemp yarn on hand that I had used for rug warp previously, so knew that it would be fairly strong.
I used a 10 dent reed and sett it using a “cram and space” threading. I sett it at 12 epi, threaded the yarn at 2 ends per dent – twice and then skipped a dent. (2, 2, skip) Each group of 4 threads made it fairly easy to do a leno lace pickup.
For added interest, I also used a huck lace threading, making 2 inch square huck lace blocks, alternating with plain tabby threading.
Huck Lace and Pick-up Leno Lace
Warp Yarn: 3 Ply Hemp 1500 ypp
Substitute yarn: Linen yarn of a similar weight can be used
Length: 4 yards
Sett: 12 epi
Using 10 Dent Reed – Thread through reed at 2 per dent , 2, skip
Width in Reed: 40″
No. Ends: 480
Total Warp: 1920 yards
Weft: 10/3 Hemp
10 ppi.
Weave huck lace block (2″)
Weave tabby 1″
Weave leno lace pickup – 1 row
Weave tabby 1″
Cut off the loom and hemstitch the ends. Fold each end over to form a tube wide enough to put a metal rod through and hang.
An alternate method of hanging would be to leave about a yard of warp unwoven at each end. Braid the warp ends and use them for hanging the hammock. You will need to add additional warp for this.
Hemp yarns can be a bit difficult to find sometimes. Some hemp yarn sources are listed in our library. If you are unable to find hemp, you can substitute with a linen yarn of a similar weight.
A study of textiles show that lacemaking and complex weaves date back to the 5th century and have similarities to netting, crochet and knitting.
More About Hemp
Huck Lace Drafts
Do you want to try weaving huck lace? Here are some draft variations for this lovely weave structure.
Weaving Leno Lace
Step-by-step instructions for weaving leno lace pickup.
Weaving with Hemp
Hemp is making a comeback with weavers and knitters.
Hemp Suppliers
Are you thinking of trying out this new and exciting yarn? Here are some places you can find hemp yarns.
Hemp Rya Tapestry
Weaving Twill Tapestry
Handspinning Hemp
Linen Weaving Books
Linen from flax seed to woven cloth
How to weave linens
Reflections From A Flaxen Past : For Love of Lithuanian Weaving
Weaving Books: Handwoven Lace
Huck Lace: The Best of Weaver’s
LACE AND LACEY WEAVES: A compilation of 86 Lace & Lacey Weave projects with complete worksheets.
Handwoven Laces
EBAY – Hemp Linen Yarns
Or Please visit my Channel on Rumble for more how-to videos.
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Categories: HAND WEAVING, Hemp, Weaving Patterns